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Facebook Advertising Hacks

There are many, many reasons why Facebook is the place to be right now for advertising. With 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook, and the level of targeting available within the platform, if you know what to say and where to say it, you can easily get your brand in front of your ideal customer with Facebook advertising.

People spend a ridiculous amount of time on social media, and buyer behaviour has changed dramatically since the boom of social media back in the late 1990’s. People tend to purchase on peer recommendation, so if your brand is in the same place as your customers' peers and friends you are onto a winner.

Facebook targeting is amazing! The ever-popular social media channel is much more targeted than you might realise. You can target users with Facebook Ads by location, demographics, age, gender, interests, behaviour, and connections... and, you can get creative with life-event targeting. Have you ever seen an ad in Facebook and wondered “how do they know that about me?” Although Facebook has tightened up somewhat on their targeting options recently, the options are still plentiful.

We’ve put together a couple of insider tips that we’ve found to work well as part of a Facebook advertising strategy:

1 - Use ads to get likes

When someone likes your ad, you are able to invite them to like your page as well, which they accept in many cases. Simply click on your ad account notifications button to see the list of likers.


2 - Target your retargeting ads

Retargeting ads are great to put your brand in front of someone who has already shown an interest in what you are selling. What’s better than that? Show these people ads relating to the products or services they have shown an interest in, or to the stage they are at in your sales funnel. Your ad messaging should be relevant to what they are looking for, and you can set your bids depending on how likely they are to buy.

A highly valuable segmentation strategy is to create a custom audience of people who visited your pricing or product pages. These visitors are much more likely to become customers than those who just browsed through your homepage and left. It’s definitely worth retargeting them with an attractive offer to convert them from prospects into paying customers, and a higher bid on these ads is more likely to pay off with a purchase.


3 - Drive clicks to bricks

Do you want to get people from behind their phones to inside your store? A good strategy is to offer in-store promotions to get people into your store. You can include a map in your Facebook canvas fullscreen experience and a promo code to be used in-store only. Alternatively, promote in-store only items to get people through the door. Location targeting is key to this strategy, you don’t want to disappoint an enthusiastic buyer by being hundreds of kilometres away from them!


4 - Share the love

Once you’ve got them to your location, get people to share their in-store experience with highly ‘grammable’ activities that people are more likely to share. Play on peoples FOMO, and get them to let their friends know why they should be there too!


5 - A picture speaks a thousand words

Yep, you got it, getting the right imagery is paramount to a successful campaign. There’s a couple of no-brainers that you need to consider when selecting your ad imagery;

  • Get attention with contrasting colours
  • Facebook loves people, use their faces and show emotions to evoke the same in your audience
  • Don’t include too many words, let the picture do the talking
  • Make sure your image represents your product or service effectively (obviously!).

We have plenty more Facebook advertising hacks up our sleeve! Why not get in touch with one of our digital strategist for a good old chat about how we can help you get the most from your Facebook advertising.

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Scott McCluskey

Digital Marketing Manager

Tags: Facebook, Facebook Advertising, Social Media, Digital Marketing

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